Mexican Fried Rice
Utilizing extra rice, this veggie lover Mexican Seared Rice will be on the table in a short time – more like 10 minutes in fact. Made extra delicious by utilizing enchilada sauce as the flavor base! {Vegetarian/Vegan}

I refer to this as “seared rice” since it is made utilizing extra rice as opposed to making it “risotto style” beginning with uncooked rice grains. I find that making it by cooking rice in a tomato fluid makes the dish more risotto like and excessively boring and wet for my loving. This technique utilizing extra rice is great – it truly is café style.
This is an extraordinary put together mid week feast that you can make with Mexican-related extras. I made this veggie lover since I had no extra meat, however by all means if you have some, throw them in! Destroyed chicken, Pork Carnitas, meat or even fish will go perfectly with this.
The way in to this rice is the enchilada sauce which adds a stack of flavor. Honestly, I utilized hand crafted. My Simple Exemplary Enchilada Sauce just requires 10 minutes to make so I frequently have a bunch of it in the refrigerator (I use it for a wide range of things other than Enchiladas – soups, plunging sauce and, surprisingly, on omelets).
Be that as it may, locally acquired is fine as well. You could substitute the enchilada sauce with taco sauce – however the flavor will be somewhat unique, it will in any case be tasty, promise it. If all else fails you could utilize tomato glue yet it will require additional flavoring and relaxing with water – I’ve given bearings to this in the notes.

This is an incredible flexible and quick recipe to add to your mid week feast revolution!
Quick, very flexible, very scrumptious – a very mid week dinner to add to your turn! Go ahead and substitute the fixings with anything that you have close by, including adding proteins – any destroyed or diced meat would be an incredible option. The way to keeping it “Mexican” is the enchilada sauce and the flavors.
â–¢1 tbsp olive oil
â–¢1 huge garlic clove , minced
â–¢1 onion , diced (white or brown)
â–¢1/2 red chime pepper/capsicum , diced (around 1 cup)
â–¢1 cup tinned dark beans (depleted)
â–¢1 cup tinned corn pieces (depleted) (or frozen corn)
â–¢4 cups cooked rice (see notes)
â–¢Discretionary: 1 1/2 cups protein (chicken, pork, meat), destroyed or diced
â–¢6 tbsp enchilada sauce (see notes)
â–¢2 tbsp water
â–¢1/2 tsp cumin
â–¢1/4 tsp stew powder (or to taste)
â–¢1/2 tsp paprika
â–¢1 tsp salt
â–¢Dark pepper
Consolidate the Sauce fixings in a little bowl and blend.
Heat the oil in a dish over high intensity. Add garlic and cook for 10 seconds until fragrant.
Add the onion and chime pepper and cook until the onion becomes clear – around 2 minutes.
Assuming you are utilizing uncooked protein, add it and sauté until just cooked through.
Add the dark beans and corn. Assuming you are utilizing cooked proteins (like destroyed cooked chicken) add it simultaneously. Cook for 1 moment just to warm through.
Add the rice and Sauce and mix rapidly to equitably cover the rice.
Check preparing and add more salt assuming you require it. Measure of salt required relies upon the pungency of the enchilada sauce you are utilizing.
Season with dark pepper and serve right away.

Recipe Notes:
1. To make this ahead to freeze, cook the onion, garlic, chime pepper and meat (in the event that utilizing), eliminate from heat and permit to cool. Then fill a ziplock sack alone with the wide range of various fixings Aside from the enchilada sauce, water and rice.
Then to cook, defrost the fixings, heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a dish over high intensity, add the fixings first and cook until warmed through and abundance water is vanished. Then, at that point, add the rice and enchilada sauce and cook according to the recipe. I additionally suggest utilizing frozen as opposed to canned corn portions.
2. This dish is best made with extra rice made no less than 6 hours or so prior, ideally the other day. It can likewise be made with newly cooked rice however it will be more enthusiastically to throw the Sauce through equitably as the rice will be more diligently to separate.
3. Enchilada Sauce can be subbed with taco sauce. On the off chance that you don’t have possibly, you can substitute with tomato glue utilizing the accompanying recipe:
4 tbsp tomato glue
3 tbsp water
1 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp bean stew powder (or to taste)
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp salt